An Expansive Future for Dance

Dance is a universal human experience that shapes, expresses, and defines our individual and collective understanding of the world, which makes it an important tool for social justice.

Dance has historically been a haven for marginalized communities and a means of expression for the oppressed. It can be a powerful tool for challenging societal inequalities and power structures, and gives participants a vehicle to define their own narratives. VDA has made good headway in amplifying the voices and visibility of dance artists, and in promoting accessibility to dance—but dance artists' wings will continue to be clipped so long as there is a lack of public investment in the arts.

There is a pernicious belief that the arts will always be around no matter what, because artists will create at their own sacrifice—but as rents, housing, and taxes in Vermont continue to rise, artists will be among the first to get squeezed out.

Whether you love watching dance, creating it, or dancing yourself, your donation will help us ensure that Vermont’s future is rich in dance. Thank you!

General donations undergird our day-to-day work supporting and connecting artists across the state and increasing public awareness about the importance of dance in Vermont.

Or support a specific program or effort:

Thank you!