Join us to create
change for dance artists.

Vermont is richer with the arts. Research shows that experiencing a sense of belonging to a community improves physical and mental health. On a community level, the arts are central to resilience, livability, and cohesion. Communities that have thriving arts representation are healthier, happier, and better equipped to solve problems.

Yet, Vermont dance artists struggle to live, work, and create within the state. Resources for the arts in Vermont are meager and fiercely competed for across the entire arts sector, meaning dance artists often feel obligated to take unpaid or low paid gigs just to be able to pursue their craft. Vermont ends up losing its best talent to other states with better opportunities for artists.

While artists struggle and contribute their work to society largely at their own sacrifice, the arts are a major economic driver for Vermont, contributing nearly $1.2 billion to the Vermont economy in 2022. Arts and culture are 3% of Vermont’s GDP and account for 10,574 jobs (source: Vermont Arts Council). So shouldn’t the arts be considered a smart investment?

We envision a Vermont in which:

  • There is broad understanding that the arts are an important puzzle piece in solving Vermont’s most pressing challenges

  • The value of the arts as an impetus for community cohesion and resilience, social justice, and economic activity is understood and recognized

  • Talented dance artists have the ability to live and work within the state


  1. Sign the Pledge.

    Add your name to the list of supporters who recognize that Vermont is richer with the arts. As Vermont considers solutions to its budget crisis, your signature will help us show that there is broad support for the arts.

  2. Join the Campaign.

    Join our field campaign to increase community awareness about the importance of the arts! Please use the Pledge form below to tell us how you’d like to participate in our Dance Action Network for Community Engagement:


Solving Vermont’s most pressing challenges begins with healthy communities. Research shows that communities with thriving arts sectors are more cohesive, livable, and equitable. The arts give people a sense of belonging to their communities, allow for greater representation of marginalized populations, and connect people and places in new ways. Ensuring the arts can thrive in Vermont is key to strengthening our economy, retaining our talent, drawing new, young families to the state, and expanding resilience in the face of climate change.